Unlimited Supply Source of Leather Sofa Sets in the CIS Region

Designing a home with durable and stylish furniture is one of the priorities of many people. Buying furniture is a form of investment. The leather sofa is scratch-resistant, comfortable, durable and very stylish. Leather has elastic properties and does not irritate the body when sitting on it and does not put pressure on the spine. Talking about leather sofa set, white sofa and living room sofa is the focus of this article.

Unlimited Supply Source of Leather Sofa Sets in the CIS Region

What’s the HS Code of Leather Sofa Set?

What’s the HS Code of Leather Sofa Set? The HS Code is a performance standardization system for the identification and classification of products designed by governments to address tax, pricing, budgeting and economic policies.

Tariff and non-tariff measures include international trade regulations and other types of foreign economic activity, as well as the maintenance of customs statistics.

In international trade, all commercial goods are classified according to a harmonized international standard, and in the book of Iranian Export and Import Regulations (prepared by the Export and Import Regulatory Office of the Trade Development Organization of Iran), goods are divided into 21 parts and 98 chapters in double-digit format.

International Commodity Code specifies many details of goods that in global markets, buyers and sellers of goods record the international commodity code, which is HS – CODE, in their invoices.

In other words, the HS Code is a performance standardization system for the identification and classification of products that are designed by governments to address tax, pricing, budgeting, and economic policies.

HS Code is an international system implemented by the WTO. In this system, all goods are classified in countries based on an 8 or 10 digit code, the first 4 or 6 digits are common between member countries, and the next 2 or 4 digits can be different based on the country classification space.

Since this tariff is common among countries up to the first 6 digits from the left, so it can be a good standard for distinguishing goods in correspondence and trade.

The first two digits of HS correspond to the corresponding chapter. The second two digits show the head of the category and the second two digits show the subcategory.

Sofa Set’s Buyers List Available for Its Demanders

Sofa Set’s Buyers List Available for Its Demanders There are too many suppliers and companies around the country that provide their customers and purchasers with the highest quality and best types of sofa and furniture at the lowest prices.

However, our company is considered as one of the most reputable ones whose sofa products are of high quality, low prices and great satisfaction on behalf of the customers.

Our sofa sets list is availabe on our website. Therefore, you can check it and if necessary, order whatever you need.

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